On Demand Comprehensive Birth Course


Learn at your own pace.

  • Confidence navigating birth in our modern medical context.
  • Effective labor coping strategies and tips. 
  • Postpartum planning guides & checklists.
  • Gift package & 52-pages of printed handouts mailed to your door.
  • Immediate access to 8+ hours of video lessons.
On Demand

6-Week Live Round Comprehensive Birth Course


On Demand Course + 6 Weekly Live Group Calls with Doula Cara Lee.

  • Confidence navigating birth in our modern medical context.
  • Effective labor coping strategies and tips. 
  • Postpartum planning guides & checklists.
  • Gift package & 52-pages of printed handouts mailed to your door.
  • Immediate access to 8+ hours of video lessons.
  • 6 Weekly Live Group Calls for experiential learning, discussion, Q&A, facilitated birth art, and more.
Live Round